Tuesday 9 April 2013

Day 5 - the geysers

Today was a great riding day. With temperatures in the mid twenties and sun all around how could it be bad?? I started the morning off with a big ride. Before leaving I changed the tires on my road rims from 23mm wide to 25mm. This was under the recommendation of Jonathan at Jonathan's bikes. The rims I have are wider than normal so he said that the roads are rough in the Geysers and my previous set up was libel to puncture. Well all I can say is that the new set up was awesome for those conditions. It was rough back there with portions or gravel.

Once suited up I head out for the geysers. After getting lost several times I found the famous road and it did not disappoint. Beautiful vistas and awesome riding. After a moderate climb for about an hour on a one lane rough road, I came onto a near highway like road with smooth surfaces (for the area) and no traffic. I mean none!! I have no idea why the road is there and in such better condition than the others but I took advantage.

The climbing is tough and steep and fairly hot on this day. But once I crested the top, there is a 10-12k section of mostly descending pavement is in great condition. I took it kind of easy but it was so enjoyable with the big grippy tires and NO CARS!! So, I could not help thinking of the possibilities.
In Vancouver's north shore mountains there is Digger who maintains the trails. Digger is paid for his efforts though grants and some fundraising. It wouldn't take much more to spruce up some of the bad roads good enough for road bike traffic. It might just be a big boon to the bike economy in the area . Anyway. After some 100k of riding fun, I finished back at the hotel very satisfied. I must admit I was drooling g at the 100 or so wineries I passed with their wine tasting...

Next it was down to Santa Rosa for a run with my friend Glenn and a wonderful dinner that his wife Tanya prepared. Best day yet!

Problem is... I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going tomorrow... Gotta figure it out. See the pictures :)

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