Friday 26 April 2013

Day 21 - The Hospital...

After a second attempt at running,this one in Enumclaw, the pain was enough to send me to the hospital. I'm writing this as I wait to be seen by a doctor. The American hospital system has some nice facilities... TV, private rooms, lots of staff.

After a 3 hour wait (yes America, it's the same on both sides of the border), I was X-rayed and poked and prodded.  Diagnosis (from my discharge papers): Severe contusion and abrasions to left hip and lower leg.  X-ray images do not show signs of fracture.

The doctor cautioned me that running could increase inflammation in the area.  Not recommended.  But I have US National Duathlon Championships in 2 days!!

At 11pm when discharged I ate at Jack in the Box. I could have eaten my shoes!!!!  What an athlete!!

What's the green frownie face is for?
Awake at 7pm

Not so much at 10pm

Contusion - yummy!!

Thursday 25 April 2013

Day 17 - 20 more Santa Rosa and travel back to the north west

After Sea Otter I made my way back up to Santa Rosa for a couple days of riding and a little running. The rides in Santa Rosa are just fantastic. Isolated roads with little traffic. I even managed to find roads that are in great shape. The running didn't go so well. It seems that the crash in the sea otter crit is causing some trauma to the left hip.

After a great morning ride I hops in my ride and sped up the Eugene getting close to the race in enumclaw.
A store in Medford.  I'm scared!!

Beautiful views near Sonoma Lake

Bridge across a valley

Day 16 - Sea Otter Circuit Race

Call it not warmed up enough or call it exhausted from the previous races but I just could not keep up With the front pack in this race. After three laps I was dropped and ended up leading the second pack for the remaining laps. I felt better at the end than I did after the first two. One wacky thing that they did is let all age categories go at the same time. There were over 200 at the start line. This made for a sketchy decent!!

Not the way I wanted to finish my sea otter experience but it was a great time all the same. In the end I came in 21st of 37 in the circuit race.

Ryder!!!  The real trophy here at Sea Otter... Sweet!

Friday 19 April 2013

Day 15 - Sea Otter Road Race - 16th

This Road Race is tough.  One of the tougher that I have done.  It's early in the year and it climbs for over 1600 meters in 86kms.  The finish is stupid.  It pitches twice over about 2.5kms above a 10% grade.  It does not make for a sprint finish.

All the same I stayed with the pack through the race managed to take a few spots up the hill finish to take 16th of 57 riders.  Not too bad.  Could have taken a few spots but I did not have it in me to podium today.

Tomorrow it's the Circuit Race all on the Laguna Seca race course!!
The Atomic Jersey was still wet from washing so... This was the alternate.

Day 14 - Sea Otter Criterium

Well....  All I can say about the crit is that I prepared well and raced well.  On the second to last lap there was some incidental contact on a turn with another rider.  I tightened up my turn a bit and started to pedal.  The first stroke I hit the tarmac with the pedal and immediately hit the road and slid to the corner. I was sitting 6th in the breakaway pack of 8 and feeling really good.  Too bad.  Now I'm just trying to heal up for tomorrow's Road Race.

Crit Start and Finish

Hip Contusion

Take care of that rash!

Holes in the kit

Rashes... :(

Day 13 - Prepare for Sea Otter

I spent most of the day preparing for the Sea Otter Races.  Whether it was changing tires or wheels or brake pads, it was getting done today!

I did all kinds of messing with the bike and then took it out to Laguna Seca to put it through some paces.  All systems go!  Ready for the races that start tomorrow.  Until then.....
Bag of various bike stuff

Laguna Seca Raceway!!!!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Day 12 - drive to Salinas

After a running the morning, I packed up the car and head to woodland hills for a little lunch with my mom and brother before hitting the road for Salinas. Salinas is about 400k north of Los Angeles. It's a small city in the heart of California's agriculture. It's about 20k from the Sea Otter race site. It's a less expensive lodging option to Monterey.

Less is more you might say. So far I have ridden around the city and its got that east west difference Vancouver is aware of. The east is predominately Hispanic and the west is malls and suburban living white folks. The pickup trucks like to give you as little room as possible while the other drivers seem to be ok with me on the road.

Gotta say that the food is really good and fresh. Strange but I just had the best baked potato of my life. Aggi area :)