Sunday 11 November 2012

UCI Masters World Championships 2012 - South Africa

UCI Masters Road Race World Championships 2012 - South Africa

It's twenty degrees cooler (celsius) and reportedly the winds have died down as I watch the under 40yo racers flow through the starting gate this morning. 
41 degrees at the start

I can't think of the proper words to describe the race yesterday. It was one of the most torturous things I have ever done and I have done a few crazy things in my life. 

There were several factors at play in the race and a bit of misfortune on my part. The reported temperature at the turnaround point of the race was 43 degrees celsius or  109 degrees Fahrenheit with 90% humidity.  The wind gusts on the course were 60-80kph. The course is 96kms long with 1650 meters (5400 feet) of climbing. This was exacerbated by only 2 hydration stops on the course with none in the last 35k.   This set the scene for a difficult day for sure. 

The race started where it would end in Alexander Park in pietermaritzburg. At 1pm the 100+ riders were let go under sunny skies. 

I stayed in the front third of the pack through town and up the first climb. The second climb is long at about 6kms but not overly steep at 5% grade.  A breakaway group of 5 took off for which I did not chase. I stayed with the main pack. At the third climb the  steepest of the day, I stayed with a pod of five riders about mid-way in the now fractured main pack. After this climb you are in Wartburg.  This was the first hydration station.  There was a bit of a lineup and knowing i would be back in 25k, I opted not to stop.

It flattens to a slight incline here but is very exposed. Gusts are very strong and pushing the lead riders sideways  violently. About 4k of working with this group taking turns at the front, a crosswind pushed a riders back wheel into my front wheel causing me to crash. I wasn't going particularly fast at the time but still  clipped  in to my pedals i fell very hard onto my hip. I looked at my front wheel. The tubular tire had come off the rim which it was glued to. I pulled the tire back onto the rim. Seemed to go on however both front and back rims were rubbing on the brakes. I managed to adjust the brakes enough so that they no longer rubbed. 

Back on my bike and off I go again. As I start to pedal I realize that my hip is really hurting and causing me to sit slightly to the right side of my saddle. In addition to this, I was worried about the up coming downhill. My tire is libel to come off again if I corner hard at speed. Sure to be a disaster. I started to flag down race vehicles. None had any wheels at all. Before the race I put an extra set of wheels into the neutral support supply so in case of a flat I could pull a wheel from them.  I was loosing a lot of time flagging down cars so I gave up after about 20 minutes of trying. 

Soon I was back in Wartburg and the hydration station. I stopped and they gave me an open bottle. I asked for another without opening it. They gave me another open one. I asked for a cap. This took a while to be understood. Finally I was underway with one bottle in my hand and a full one in my jersey with 35k to go. 

Soon I was at the 500m climb. I don't really know how to describe how difficult this climb became. During the climb, I drank the rest of my water with 22k to go. I felt totally shattered. I thought that I must be the last person in the race. I'm out of water and totally dehydrated. There's a very strong sideways gust that is blowing me about 5 feet one way or the other. My speed is a out 10kph which is dismally slow. My feet feet like they are on fire and every ounce of pressure makes them scream in pain. I'm not kidding. The pain from my hip and my feet is so intense that I'm really worried about my ability to finish. 

A car comes from behind and offers me water. I decline as its against the rules and I don't want to be disqualified (I later find out that they removed this rule about midway through the race). I'm really dying and there is about 2k left to climb. I pass two riders who are not racing. I compliment one of them on their bike (same one as mine). He thanks me and offers me a coke. Oh yes!!  Not from a car, this has to be legal. I down the coke like a frat boy downs his first beer on Friday night.  Boy, that was good. 

15k from the finish and mostly down or flat. I can only manage to turn my legs against the hell winds that are trying to push me back. I'm spent, dead, shattered, done. I gave everything I have just to get to the finish line at a snails pace. 

100m after the finish I collapse to the grass where i can't move without passing out for about 20 minutes. My outfit is crusted white with salt. My hip and elbow are bleeding and stinging from sweat.  My time 3:20 minutes. My place 27th. 30 minutes behind the leader. Most riders arrived alone and not in groups. One was sent straight to hospital from on the course and three from the finish. 13 riders attended to for heat exhaustion by the paramedics. I went straight to my hotel, took a shower and rank 2 liters of water. 

I really don't know what I think of my result. I'm glad I finished. I wish that I had not crashed.  I can only think that of all the training that I could do, I still would not have been on the podium that day. 

My hats off to those that did and those that just finished. I have never been though such adversity on the road before. And I really hope I don't again. 

Love south Africa. Love 'Maritzberg. Great place and people. No regrets. 

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